Get Some!

Get Some!
Think Strong. Be Strong.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Week 2

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Monday (PT)

Vapor Cigarette VS Regular
So being physically healthy for me means gradually bringing your body to place where it reaches its full potential. In order to get better on my run I've begun to "smoke" vapor cigarettes. When I first heard of electronic cigs I was pretty surprised. They're easy to spot at those booths in the mall. I remembered them being huge and clunky at first, but vapor cigs have evolved alot and are now pretty popular. While on the vapor cigs I've been able to get back to a 7 min mile, which for me is a big deal. I highly recommend these vs regular cigs, but it's not uncommon to take a drag from a real one now and again.

Tuesday (MT) There's nothing more encouraging than a phone message from your kid like the one my daughter left me. I made it my ring tone for this week. When I'm needing to stay mentally tough I always have my daughter's voice to remind me what I'm pushing for. Listen...

Wednesday (ST)
Last week I mentioned  how I was going to put forth some sort of plan to increase my spiritual toughness. Well I think I have an idea of what I can do. I'm going to try to dedicate  a portion of my morning to meditation, reading, or prayer. I've already picked out the book I want to re-read from my small library of books. Wild at Heart by John Eldredge  shines light on the concept of the tamed man and reveals how being wild at heart is actually a more  freeing and authentic way of  living out our lives as men. He takes a biblical approach. I may not always get things right, but hell at least I know that strengthening my spiritual self won't steer me wrong.

Thursday (MT) 
Having fun with friends whom you can trust is healthy. July 4th I did just that and watched the Cedar Park Fireworks. I saved some video for you... check this out....

Mental Toughness is not just self-driven. You ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO HAVE a support system. If you don't have one...get one. But be careful because when choosing support figures because doing so is like being a team captain on a pick-up basketball team where 10 want to play but only 5 can be chosen. You can't choose everybody. You gotta pick people who will be there in a pinch without pinching you. Hmm... was that the right analogy to use? Well you get me right?

Friday & Saturday & Sunday (PT & MTx2)
Ok peoples. This topic is a big one. Probably will make it it's own blog post. Its about begining to live a LIFESTYLE of healthy living. This week I had the opportunity to drive to the grocery store nearby. But instead I realized the health benifit of biking there. I could have driven but I biked instead. And yes... all those people in the check-out line had to suffer as I stood there eminating an airid stench from the hill ridden trip. But I began to refelct on my way home and came up with some ways that could help someone, including myself, start living a LIFESTYLE of healthiness as opposed to just visiting a gym once in a while. I've seen more results adjusting my lifestyle than just by getting a quickie in the gym.   

So here it is....
7 Factors for developing a LIFESTYLE of healthy living:
1.Reject convenience. Park further away. Ride a bike when you can drive. Go to work earlier or leave later so you can exercise. 
2. Change habits. Eating habits. Sexual habits. Thinking habits. 
3. Switch-out negative for positive reactions to stressors. 
4. Reduce stress factors with better planning, reevaluating your inner circle of trust and refuse to perpetuate negativity. 
5. Do something small each day that makes you happy. 
6. Practice self-control. (i.e.temper/control sexual cravings, moderate emotional reactions, practice saying "no" to yourself, practice being still, practice not being in control)
7. Be good to yourself in the same way, if not more, than you have been good toward others.

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